8 Painters tricks to cover the imperfections in walls!

Montclair Painting - Painters

Often the walls of the house have or acquire imperfections such as cracks that reappear no matter how hard we try. In order not to incur large expenses, however, Montclair Painters can do some clever tricks and cover the imperfections in the walls of the house or commercial building.

For this purpose there are products on the market that are economical and can work wonders. There are also various solutions that have saved the situation and are either DIY or things that professional repairmen do.

Painters tricks to cover the imperfections in the walls

1. Wall plugs

If the door handle pierced a false plasterboard wall, there are economical plugs that go into the wall and cover the hole while protecting the wall from more damage.

2. Immediate patch

Montclair Painters unreservedly recommend the metal wall patches! They just stick one on the imperfection they want to cover and pass over putty and later paint.

3. Moisture blockage

If you want to paint the ceiling but it has obvious humidity, you can get a special spray that covers the stains on the ceiling without much expense, but also works as a base for the paint. This way the moisture stains will not be visible and will not spoil the painting you are preparing to do.

4. Rough ceiling

In the 60’s and 70’s rough surfaces on the walls of the house and on the ceilings were in fashion. Many homes are now selling cheaper because of the rough walls. If you do not have the money at the moment to smooth the ceiling of your house, and you want to cover some of its imperfections, you can buy a material that mimics rough surfaces and patch up any defects.

5. Larger switches

With a larger switch you can cover damage to the wall by laying cables.

6. Solution for cracks

The simplest and most economical solution for cracks is to place a special tape for cracks on the problem surface. This film belongs to the so-called grouting materials, and when you apply paint on it, it is completely covered and does not appear!

7. Wall covering

When the wall has many problems but you can not make a new one, the best solution is a special wall paper. After you put the cracks and holes of the wall with putty or some jointing material, with the wall covering, you can cover the whole wall to make it look uniform. You can also paint it in the color you want.

8. Painting spray for cracks

Some imperfections in the walls are more difficult to cover and always “come back“. Fortunately, materials technology is not far behind and so there are special sprays on the market for this problem.

The sprays act as an elastic film that spreads in and out of the crack. You start applying the spray after you clean any dust or anything in and around the crack. Then you pass two or three times the entire surface of the crack. When the resulting film is completely dry you can apply a painting base and color on top.

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