
Good drainage is very important for the structural well-being of your home and to avoid roofing leaks. Gutters and roofs, which are attached to the roof and are the main components of a home’s outdoor drainage system and must be kept clean to prevent flooding or backups from storms. Clogged gutters can cause corrosion around the house, damage to exterior walls, leaks in the basement and – eventually – uneven subsidence of the foundation.

To avoid these drainage problems, regularly maintain your roof gutters and faults and repair them at the first sign of trouble. When working on your roof gutters, follow the roof safety procedures or call the expert roofers in Montclair.

At the very least, clean your gutters twice a year, in late spring and late fall. If you live in a wooded area, clean them most often.

Roof gutter maintenance

The plastic scoop is an ideal tool for cleaning roof gutters. Wear work gloves to protect your hands. To clean the gutters, shovel leaves and other debris with the plastic spoon. Work from a ladder that is high enough to allow you to reach the roof gutters comfortably. As you work, you often move up the stairs. Do not lean or bend to reach either side or you may lose your balance.

Use a garden hose to clean gutters in the roofing area

After cleaning all loose debris, rinse the gutters with a garden hose. Check for defects by rinsing them with the hose. If a downspout is clogged, you can break the blockage with a hydraulic snake that is fed through the gutter opening. Clean any debris with the hose.

Place a leaf filter on the roofing construction

To keep the downspouts clean, use a leaf strainer on each one. Insert a leaf filter into each opening along the gutters, then push it far enough away to hold it in place. The filter will prevent sticks and other debris from entering the downspout and clog it.

Do not use a leaf protector!

Many homeowners use plastic or metal leaf protectors in their gutters to prevent the leaves from growing. Leaf protectors are not effective against leaf debris, leaf sheaths and other small debris that can pass directly through the test. Gutters covered with leaf protectors need to be cleaned regularly and leaf protectors can make cleaning much more difficult.

After cleaning the gutters, allow them to dry well and inspect them for signs of damage. Rust spots and holes can be repaired with scrap wire and asphalt roof cement.

Read more about Gikas Roofing in Montclair:

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